The Quartet weighs in against Hamas

(See here) this Harretz article where the Quartet weighs in against Hamas.

The quartet, which consists of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia, drafted the Roadmap to Peace.

This group, since it includes the United Nations, pretty well represents the pulse of the world when it comes to efforts to bring the conflict between Israel and Palestine to a peaceful resolution. So what does the world have to say about it? A future Palestinian Cabinet "should include no member who has not committed to the principles of Israel's right to exist in peace and security and an unequivocal end to violence and terrorism." That pretty much rules Hamas out as being a participant in peace negotiations.

If Hamas was to win the election, then I guess that would also mean the Roadmap to Peace plan is dead. So we better come up with Plan B.

What would I propose as Plan B? Well I would ask for some input from Israel. What does Israel want to do?

Would Israel want to continue the drain of the LEGAL occupation of Palestine? If so the issue of the ILLEGAL settlements is still going to have to be dealt with.

Would Israel still like to disengage? If so some method other then negotiations with the Palestinians is going to have to be developed for determining final borders. Perhaps the United Nations can come up with something along the lines of the 1948 Partition Plan. I would suggest that the UN look to the Geneva Accords as a starting point in the debate over what the final borders should be.

One thing for sure, the Palestinians still have the power to determine where we go from here. They can still vote for a negotiated settlement, or they can vote to be barred from having a seat at the table as their future is discussed.

Of course Hamas could still agree to recognize Israel's right to exist in peace. Sometimes miracles do happen.


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