My ballot is in the mail

My ballot is in the mail.

My votes are as follows.

For President:

Barack Obama receives my unenthusiastic vote. I really like McCain, but found his selection of Sarah Palin as VP to be unacceptable. My vote for Barack Obama is so unenthusiastic that I looked into all the other candidates on the ballot before finally deciding Barack was the best choice out of the selections offered.

I'll only add this question: Where is Ross Perot when you need him?

For Virginia's Senatorial election:

For me this was a tough choice. I like both of the candidates. I narrowly decided to cast my vote for Mark Warner because I only slightly prefer him based upon financial responsibility grounds. From what I have seen, Mark Warner is going to end up winning in a blow out, so my own vote really isn't going to end up being that important. I just hope we can find a public service job for Jim Gilmore because he is just too good a man to keep sitting on the sidelines.

For Virginia's Second Congressional District in the House:

No contest. I was willing to vote for Bozo the Clown in order to try and run Thelma Drake out of office. Lucky for me, the Democrats nominated a really fine candidate in Glenn Nye. Glenn Nye gets my vote, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that he gets elected. The last poll that I had access to indicated the race is steadily tightening, however Thelma is still slightly ahead. I wish to point out that if incumbent Thelma was really such a great representative of Virginia's Second, she wouldn't be facing such tight and competitive races every time she comes up for election. Why don't the voters in Virginia's Second wise up and finally get around to electing someone more reasonable then Thelma? I am not against Virginia's Second being represented by a Republican mind you. However if it must be a Republican, then it needs to be a Republican more reasonable then Thelma Drake.

On all the local elections I abstained. Since I spend so much time on the road due to my occupation, I find it impossible to keep up to date and informed enough on local issues to cast a vote. I was tempted to cast my vote for Mayor of Virginia Beach towards Meyera Oberndorf. I appreciate her successful efforts in orchestrating the bold moves that got us Lake Gaston water. It also does not hurt that she won the endorsement of 2900 police officers, firefighters and teachers employed in Virginia Beach (2900 has to be most of them). However I decided to stick with my decision to abstain.


Blogger The Squeaky Wheel said...

Voted for all Dems

Golly Gee... I - am - so - shocked


10/29/2008 02:36:00 PM  
Blogger Little David said...


If John Warner had not retired I am certain I would have voted for a Republican.

If John McCain had selected someone more reasonable then Palin for VP he probably would have gotten my vote as well.

Don't blame me, blame the Republicans.

10/31/2008 06:43:00 AM  

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