On the road again

I'm once again headed out on the road.

I do not expect to be back much before Thanksgiving.

Harriet Miers Nomination in Trouble?

Is the Harriet Miers nomination for Supreme Court Justice in trouble? As reported in the Washington Times (see here) far right advocacy groups are increasingly speaking up against her. They do not think Harriet Miers is conservative enough for them.

Let's say they are successful in either getting Harriet to withdraw on her own or having Dubyah withdraw the nomination himself. Then what do you think is going to happen? My guess is that if the far right is successful in obtaining a withdrawal Dubyah will then accede to their demands by nominating someone in the Scalia and Thomas mold.

If the nomination is not withdrawn things could get real messy. We might even see a awkward joining of forces of the far left and far right voting to reject her. If this happens is the moderate middle going to stand for it? If Dubyah nominates a right wing extremist to win the support of the far right will moderates stand up and vote down their candidate like they voted down Harriet?

Now I am not saying Harriet is a moderate. Call her, at best, a nuanced conservative. But if she is not conservative enough for the far right, then just what type of candidate is going to make them happy? Oh that's right. They want a Scalia or Thomas clone. And if they get a nominee suitable to them you are going to hear them threatening moderate Republicans with what they are going to do to them if they do not show party loyalty. Meanwhile they expect that their acts of disloyalty must be forgiven and understood.

Harriet Miers is not conservative enough for the far right. Maybe someone needs to remind the hard right that only about a third of Americans self identify themselves as conservative of any persuasion. Conservatives already have Thomas, Scalia and Roberts. Now they are going to get Miers (yes she is a conservative) and still they're not happy. Not even happy with over representation on the Supreme Court.

It would serve them right if Dubyah, in a tiff, nominated a true moderate.

Colin Powell for President

I am not going to give up on my dream. My dream is that come next election I will have the opportunity to cast my vote for Colin Powell for President.

OK, OK, Colin does not want the job. Well in my mind that makes him even more qualified. George Washington didn't want the job either.

Why won't Colin run? It was reported he won't run because of his wife. Seems she had a premonition or dream or something that if Colin so much as ran for Vice President he would be assassinated... presumably by one of our racist citizens. And you know something, she could be right.

So what do we do about Colin's wife? Do we show mercy and let our old soldier retire from public service, after all he has already given us a lot. Or do we remain selfish and keep at him to run?

Well it might be selfish, but I am going to keep on dreaming. In Colin I see the one man that might be able to unify a large portion of the American public for common purpose. Yes there will still be naysayers and malcontents, no getting around them. But Colin could unify the largest portion that is possible given the political landscape right now. I see no other candidate on the horizon that has this potential.

So what do we do about Mrs Powell? Someone needs to put their arm around her and whisper in her ear. Whisper how it sure is good for the sake of America, and possibly good for the sake of the world, that she was not married to Martin Luther King. Imagine if MLK had been married to someone who would have held him back. He might still be alive, yes that is the truth. But what kind of nation would we be living in today if not for the actions of the Reverend King?

Martin Luther King stirred our nation with his "I had a dream" speech. Well I too like to dream. I dream of Colin Powell sitting in the Oval Office leading his nation through these trying times... and this dream is so beautiful that I am not going to wake up and snap out of it. I am going to keep on dreaming.


Israel/Palestine Cease Fire

It has been several weeks since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

During this time we have had a period of relative calm in the Middle East.

Has this instance of calm been perfect? No it has not. But it has been one heck of a lot better then anything we have seen in the recent past.

Have the Palestinians been perfect in their adherence to the cease fire? No less then perfect. Has "our side", the Israeli side been perfect? As reported in the JPost, no we ain't been perfect either. (See here)

As reported, Israel has been busy rounding up 800 Palestinians during the "cease fire". Rather then releasing prisoners, Israel has been putting more under chains. I am not saying Israel need release prisoners now, but what about the cease fire? If the cease fire is going to take root the Israelis need to show some restraint as well.

If Israel is going to take actions that incite violence it is wrong for Israel to then point to the resulting violence as being proof of the inevitable. Yeah, violence is inevitable if Israel too remains committed to it.

A cease fire means cease fire from both sides. The cease fire can not be expected to be perfect from either side. But because it is not perfect from their side does not give our side Carte Blanche. Not unless we accept being judged by the same standard.

Will Israelis accept being judged, collectively, for the actions of the extremists in their midst?

If they choose to so not be judged they better allow Palestinians the same latitude.

Reasonable people trying to reach a reasonable conclusion is the goal. Rounding up 800 prisoners during the cease fire is not reasonable.

Israel too must honor the cease fire.

Let's get down to negotiations. Or is this what Israel, or at least Sharon, fears?


Bird Flu Threat

Charley Reese recently posted this about Avian Bird Flu.

Seems Charley wants us to stick our heads in the sand. Don't worry be happy.

It is not as if the most recent pandemics have not been flu pandemics. It is not as if, due to jet transportation, we are even now more of a global village then back then... Don't worry be happy.

In some ways I agree with Charley. Mankind has more to fear from Global Warming then we have to fear from Avian Flu. After all, mankind will survive Avian Flu. You or I might not survive, but mankind will. Half of us might die, but the other half will develop immunity. Problem solved.

But do half of us have to die? We are not talking about vague threats here, we are talking about the flu. Mankind's history is full of flu pandemics that killed many of us. Can we take steps that will limit just how many of us must die this time? Mankind will survive no matter what the outcome. But what about me? What about you? What about your wife and kids?

The present Avian Flu epidemic is irreversible. It has spread so far amongst wild birds that we can not stop it. It only takes one small mutation to threaten us.

But, as Charley might, let us call this threat into perspective. We are faced with a "maybe" that might kill half of us. On the other hand we face Global Warming that threatens all of us. It threatens all of us just not in our lifetime. Which global threat should we be most be consumed by? I guess that depends on just how selfish you are.

When the Avian Flu mutates and starts impacting us we will panic. But when Global Warming threatens future generations we will shrug our shoulders. Pitiful beasts we humans are.

Big Oil's Windfall Profits

As reported in the Washington Times (see here), Big Oil has actually profited from hurricanes Katrina and Rita. In spite of the fact they have suffered and must pay for major damage to refineries and gulf oil rigs, they are still going to see record profits. Now mind you this is not coming from left wing environmentalists, this is being reported by the Washington Times.

The other day I took a look back in my business records on the "good ole days". Back during the Clinton years when diesel prices were low. My records show that on Dec 30, 1998 I paid 77.9 cents a gallon for diesel at the Flying J truckstop in Rutherglen, VA. My records also show frequently paying 79.9 and 80.9 cents, but 77.9 cents was as good as it got. What does this mean? Back in 1998 the oil industry was able to pump oil out of the ground, refine it, transport it to the retail outlet and still make a profit at 77.9 cents a gallon. I guarantee you they were not selling the money at a loss. They made money at 77.9 cents. Even allowing for inflation, today's price should not exceed a dollar.

OK, OK, but the price per barrel of oil has gone up. We do have to pay the Arabs what they want for a barrel of oil after all. But what about the oil that is pumped here domestically? Whether you realize it or not, America is still one of the leading producers of crude oil. Often this crude oil is even pumped out of federal lands under lease to the oil companies. Oil companies were able to remain profitable when they were selling diesel for 77.9 cents a gallon. The national average for diesel last week was about $3.139 a gallon. Is it any wonder that even though the oil industry has suffered record damage they are STILL going to make record profits?

As reported in the Washington Times, "They are just printing money right now," said oil analyst Fadel Gheit at Oppenheimer & Co. in New York. "They are making so many trips to the bank because they can't take all the money there at one time." Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp., BP PLC, ConocoPhillips Co., and Royal Dutch Shell PLC are expected to report a $9 billion, or 46 percent, increase in their combined third-quarter profits, according to analysts' estimates compiled by Thomson Financial. Last year, the five companies earned $19.6 billion in the July-September period.

Funny isn't it that they can actually boost profits in the face of hurricane damage? Heck, not too queer a result when you look at diesel still hovering at over $3 a gallon. Gasoline prices have fallen in most markets, but diesel remains exceptionally high. In Missouri I noted a price differential of over 70 cents a gallon. Truckers have to have the diesel no matter what the price. Most of them are protected by a fuel surcharge which is going to be passed on to consumers eventually. Voters are going to object to long term high gasoline prices but they probably won't even notice as the price of their box of corn flakes (and everything else) creeps up by several cents per item.

Now don't get me wrong. I understand how market forces can help us overcome regional shortages of diesel fuel. Truckers typically have the capacity to carry at least 200 gallons of diesel along with them. They can cover 1000 miles or more on a single fill up. They will try to fill their tanks were diesel is cheap and buy only the minimum necessary in expensive locations (where there is a shortage) to get them back to where it is cheap. This works to lessen the demand in shortage areas. It means there is less need for tanker trucks, that will also burn diesel, to replenish retail outlets in shortage areas.

But meanwhile oil companies make record profits. Even though they have suffered record costs repairing damages caused by the hurricanes. Does anyone else smell a rat? We have been informed of the shortages. Prices spiked. Prices did not just go up in shortage areas they went up everywhere. Truckers would have been motivated to "help out" whether they wanted to or not by a lower average cost but at existing price differentials. The oil companies claimed they were not going to take advantage of the situation, but even though they suffer from record damage they will still report record profits. Come on people, are you idiots?

America has suffered a tremendous calamity in back to back punches to the Gulf Coast from hurricanes yet Big Oil still finds a way to increase profits. Don't you think it is time for a windfall profits tax on Big Oil? This tax could be used to pay for Katrina relief. Instead of Dubyah holding his hand out to the Chinese asking them to buy additional treasury bills, we could start paying for some of what we want to do ourselves. Can most of us afford an increase in taxes? Maybe not. But can most of us afford to pay $3.00 a gallon for fuel? Big Oil can afford the tax increase. Big Oil actually BENEFITED from Katrina.

Think about it. Every time a hurricane comes calling Dubyah is going to say (as he should) that we should help the victims. And every time a hurricane comes calling Big Oil is going to make more money. Along the Eastern Coast of America people gather in their churches to pray for relief from hurricanes. But in Texas they pray for another one to hit.

Foreign Policy Under Dubyah

First let me give credit where credit is due. I was pointed towards this by an article written by Slate Webzine's Timothy Noah.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, USA (Ret.), who is a former Chief of Staff of the State Department under Colin Powell in the Dubyah Administration recently made a speech to the New America Foundation. This speech, in its entirety, can be found here. It makes for an interesting read, that is if you are at all interested in how the Dubyah administration goes about making decisions.

As for me, I want to thank Col Wilkerson for speaking up. If he has any further personal ambitions he is probably shooting himself in the foot, but still he speaks his mind. America is well served by men of courage and conviction like Col Wilkerson.

Col. Wilkerson is only saying what many of us already thought about the Dubyah administration. However he, due to being a former insider, can speak with authority.

If we can ever get Colin Powell to run for President, I would hope he still finds a suitable place for Larry Wilkerson to serve. Perhaps Larry Wilkerson would even make a fine Vice President.

I encourage you to read the speech yourself, and see if what Larry Wilkerson has to say rings true or not.


Beautiful (ugly) American Politics

I ran into a man the other day. He stated he would give $10 to anyone who asked without asking why they needed it. I asked him for $10 and he said here it is. I then told him I did not really need it, that he should save it for himself or, better yet, donate it to Katrina relief.

I heard a broadside of what is wrong with Katrina relief. How there is a host of undeserving souls reaping the benefits of charitable efforts. My reply to him? Yeah, there are some who dishonestly ride the wave and steal. But that does not mean that the just and needy are no less needy. There really are those that have lost both their jobs and their homes at the same time. That the unscrupulous skim some of our donations does not mean we should not donate. The needy are still needy. The unscrupulous will still be unscrupulous even without Katrina, they will just find another way to prey on us. The dishonest did not need for Katrina to happen to be dishonest. However the honest victims still need our help.

Why did I bring this up under the title I presented? Because in this discussion with this same man he stated he never voted. Why? Because all the candidates and politicians were worthless. All of them.

What did I think? How beautiful it is that this man had the right to express his opinion. I might disagree with his opinion, but he had the right to express it. I on the other hand also have my rights to freedom of speech, and here it goes.

I will begin with a question. Are you unhappy with America in general and American politics in particular? Who is to blame? Are you part of the problem? The majority of Americans do not bother to vote. The majority sit on their hands while the minority pulls the ballot lever and then this silent majority complains about what "they" (the minority) do. What a bunch of hypocrites.

I do not care if neither of the candidates is perfect. Pick the better of two evils. Get involved. Stay informed. Hold the politicians accountable for their dishonest ways. Do not even bother to avoid voting and then complain. If you are not even going to vote then SHUT UP. You are just a malcontent who is part of the problem.

Here in America you even have the right to run for political office yourself. If you win we will even pay you a salary. Is this easy? No it is not. But if you are so inclined you have the right to run and no one, other then yourself, can stop you.

If you choose not to run yourself you are still armed with the right to vote. If you choose not to exercise this right you surrender your country to "them". Who are "them"? "Them" are those who vote. Are "they" a bunch of corrupt individuals who only choose to loot and steal? Hey, some members of society are corrupt. If honest individuals refuse to vote then who rules the ballot box?

If you are not going to bother to vote then quit complaining. If at the ballot box we can prove to the politicians that the way to win an election is to be "more honest" then the next dishonest guy we might actually, eventually, wind our way to true honesty. One small step at a time. But you have got to vote.

If you ain't going to vote, then shut the hell up and live with it. And let us who do vote hold the debates while you remain in silence. You surrender your voice at the ballot box, so you might as well surrender to your silence in the public discussion.